Article 2. Purpose

1. The purpose of this law is to define the regulatory framework that allows maximum protection of the rights and welfare of animals, included in its scope of application.

2. The actions aimed at achieving said purpose will be:

a) Promote ownership and responsible coexistence.

b) Promote among citizens the protection of the rights and welfare of animals.

c) Fight against abuse and neglect.

d) Promote adoption and foster care.

e) Develop training, information and informative activities on animal protection.

f) Promote identification, vaccination, sterilisation, breeding, and responsible sales campaigns.

g) Promote administrative actions to promote animal protection.

h) Establish a framework of obligations, both for public administrations and for citizens, in terms of protection of animal rights and welfare.

3. The public administrations will cooperate and collaborate in matters of animal protection, and will share information that guarantees compliance with the objectives of this law.

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