Article 20. Institutional collaboration

1. The information transmitted between public institutions on complaints, proceedings and resolutions related to the provisions of section 1 of this article, will form part of the Animal Protection Statistics.

2. Both the Nature Protection Service of the Guardia Civil and the competent bodies of the National Police Corps, Autonomous Police Corps and local Police, as well as forestry agents and environmental agents will carry out, within their scope respective competence, as many actions related to control, inspection and other measures included in this law are precise, without prejudice to the competences attributed to the autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

3. The competent ministerial department, respecting the area of competence established by current legislation, will promote the development of agreements with other public administrations aimed at raising awareness in society against any form of animal abuse, and in particular in the following areas:

a) Training and awareness of the personnel of the different public administrations that carry out functions related to the protection and rights of animals.

b) Organisation of training programs for people penalised or convicted of infractions or crimes against the protection of fauna and animals.

c) Education of minors in values related to the care and protection of animals.

d) Education in responsible ownership of animals for owners or future owners of any pet.

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