Article 19. Promotion of Animal Protection and endowment of means

1. The competent ministerial department, for the development of this law, must:

a) Promote, through appropriate incentives, investment, management, and organisation of animal protection, in particular, the development of plans, instruments and management projects for animal protection centres.

b) Develop other actions and create other additional instruments that contribute to the defence of the rights of companion animals.

c) Contribute to the execution of the measures included in the territorial animal protection programs.

d) Promote, through appropriate incentives, investment in the adoption of measures for animal protection.

e) Promote the implementation of sustainable management models for feline colonies.

f) Promote and encourage initiatives or animal protection studies through education and social awareness.

g) Finance and develop specific actions related to animal protection.

2. For this, it will have an endowment that will be nourished by:

a) The amounts that are consigned annually in the General State Budgets.

b) Any other sources of financing that may be established.

3. The following bodies, institutions and legal persons may be recipients and beneficiaries of the resources mentioned in the previous section:

a) The autonomous communities, cities of Ceuta and Melilla and local entities.

b) Non-governmental organisations or private non-profit entities whose work is carried out totally or partially in the field of animal protection.

c) The Security Corps and Forces with competences in matters of animal protection.

d) Researchers or research groups of the university system that work on matters relevant to the advancement of the protection of the rights and welfare of animals.

4. It is the responsibility of the person in charge of the competent ministerial department to annually approve the criteria for the distribution of the aforementioned budget appropriations.

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