Article 16. State Animal Protection Plan

1. The State Animal Protection Plan constitutes, within the scope of the State’s powers and without prejudice to the powers of the autonomous communities, a basic planning instrument for the establishment and definition of objectives, actions and criteria aimed at eradicating from our society animal abuse in all its aspects and promote the coordinated action of public administrations for the adoption of measures that promote animal protection.

2. The State Animal Protection Plan will include, at least:

a) A diagnosis of the situation of companion animals and animal protection centres.

b) Quantitative and qualitative objectives that must be achieved during its period of validity.

c) Measures to fight against animal abuse and neglect, which will include a diagnosis of the situation of animal abuse and neglect in Spain, objectives to be achieved during its period of validity and specific measures to be adopted to achieve the objectives set.

d) The necessary budget estimates for its execution, within the existing budget availability.

e) Other actions to be developed by the General State Administration.

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