Article 37. Inclusion of species and updating of the positive list of companion animals

1. The Government, at the proposal of the competent ministerial department, will approve, by royal decree, the procedure for the approval of the lists of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates that will form part of the positive list of companion animals when it exists. technical or scientific information that advises it, as well as the inclusion or exclusion of a species in them.

2. The inclusion or exclusion procedure, which will be carried out according to the regulations, will require at least submitting an application to the competent ministerial department, which will include the scientific name of the animal and the scientific and technical documentation on which the request is based. The competent ministerial department will request the evaluation of the Scientific and Technical Committee on the documentation received, being mandatory to obtain a report from the competent ministries in matters of ecological transition and demographic challenge, and agriculture, fishing and food. The procedure will be initiated ex officio or at the request of any public administration, animal protection entity or public or private association.

3. The deadlines for the process of evaluating the inclusion or exclusion of a species in the positive list of companion animals will be established by regulation, as well as the possible conditions of possession of animals not included definitively, which in any case will be consistent. with what is included in this law regarding the protection of companion animals and, in no case, will it entail their sacrifice.

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