Article 54. Registration in the Register of Companion Animal Breeders

1. The registration in the Register of Companion Animal Breeders will mean the official acquisition of the condition and will constitute, once validated by the competent Administration, the authorisation for the development of their activities. The Registry will be of autonomous competence in its execution, within the framework of the bases that the State establishes by regulation, without prejudice to the fact that each registration must be reported to the General State Administration for the purposes of the necessary coordination, so that, from the moment of the incorporation to the General Registry of the annotation in the autonomic, the corresponding inscriptions take effect throughout Spain.

2. In the case of breeders of non-commercial categories, such as punctual breeders or others that are determined by law, registration as a breeder in the Register of Companion Animal Breeders will be carried out automatically at the time of transmission in the name of the owner of the first animal registered as a breeding stock, or after the registration as a breeding stock of the first animal of which it was already the owner, as stipulated as mandatory for breeding animals in article 51.3, and without prejudice to the obligations that correspond to them according to their category.

3. Registration in the Register of Breeders enables the persons responsible for the activity of breeding and selling companion animals to access any support program aimed at them, in accordance with current regulations.

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