Article 74. Serious offences

A serious infraction is considered any conduct that by action or omission and derived from the breach of obligations or the performance of prohibited conducts imply damage or suffering to the animal, provided that they do not cause death or serious consequences.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following are considered serious sanctions:

a) Non-compliance, by action and omission, of the obligations and prohibitions required by this law, which implies damage or suffering to the animal, when it produces serious permanent sequelae, damage or serious injuries to the animals, provided that it does not constitute a crime.

b) Failure to comply with the obligations of animal identification.

c) The use of aggressive or violent methods in the education of the animal.

d) The administration of substances that harm animals or alter their behaviour, unless they are prescribed by veterinarians and with a therapeutic purpose for the animal.

e) Perform unauthorised mutilations or body modifications on the animal.

f) Using animals as an object of reward, prize, raffle or promotion.

g) Using animals as an advertising claim without authorisation.

h) Breed allochthonous wild animals, as well as trade with them, except in the cases provided for in this law.

i) The shipment of live animals except in the cases provided for in this law.

j) The withdrawal, relocation or displacement of community cats in situations other than those permitted in this law.

k) The abandonment of one or more animals. The lack of communication of the loss or theft of an animal will not be considered as a serious offence, but rather as a minor one; on the other hand, failure to collect the animal from residences or other similar establishments in which it has been collected, and the abandonment of the animal in risky conditions, will be considered a serious infraction.

l) The robbery, theft or misappropriation of an animal.

m) Not reporting the loss or theft of the animal or not picking it up from veterinary centres, residences or other similar establishments in which they had previously been deposited, despite not posing a risk to the animal.

n) Feed the animals with viscera, corpses and other offal from animals that have not passed the appropriate health controls.

o) Permanently keeping dogs or cats on terraces, balconies, rooftops, storage rooms, basements, patios and similar or vehicles.

p) The commission of more than one minor offence within a period of three years when so declared in a firm administrative resolution.

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