
Informative note from the Ministry of Social Rights regarding civil liability insurance 1080 1521 Mark Nolan
Informative note regarding civil liability insurance for dogs

Informative note from the Ministry of Social Rights regarding civil liability insurance

In view of the inability for the caretaker Government of Spain to fulfil the requirements to set the standards for certain elements of the Animal Welfare Law, and informative note was sent out to official bodies explaining that although the law comes into force on 29 September 2023, some elements will be delayed, in particular the requirement for civil liability insurance, and the requirement to complete a pet ownership course.

The official note, in Spanish, is above and below, and here are the key points translated:


In response to the different queries received in this General Directorate, in relation to different aspects related to the entry into force of Law 7/2023, of March 28, on the protection of the rights and well-being of animals, the following is reported:


a) Civil liability insurance for dog possession

The obligation to contract and maintain in force civil liability insurance for natural or legal persons who own dogs, established in article 30.3 of Law 7/2023, of March 28, would come into force on September 29, 2023, in accordance with its ninth final provision. Although, in pure legal terms, it is not effectively applicable until the regulatory development of said precept occurs, in accordance with its provisions.

Likewise, the provisions on this matter in the regional and local regulations that already establish, in some cases, the obligation to have civil liability insurance for dog ownership must be taken into account.

Finally, in the case of potentially dangerous dogs, the specific regulations (Royal Decree 28/2002, of March 22, which develops Law 50/1999, of December 23, on the legal regime for the possession of potentially dangerous animals) requires that the minimum civil liability insurance coverage be at least €120,000.

On the other hand, it is recommended to consult insurance companies to advise on dogs that could be included in home insurance policies, depending on their type, applicable regulations and other aspects.

b) Other obligations

In relation to other obligations regulated in Law 7/2023, of March 28, that require regulatory development, such as carrying out the responsible ownership course or the identification of animals included in the positive list, other than the dog species, cat and ferret, will be applicable once the aforementioned regulatory development comes into force.

Sergio Garcia Torres

Informative note from the Government regarding civil liability insurance for dogs
Pet Owners – It´s Not ONLY About Civil Liability Insurance 1080 769 Mark Nolan
Pets in Spain

Pet Owners – It´s Not ONLY About Civil Liability Insurance

Although we have been covering the development of the new Animal Welfare Law since it was first conceived, you may have seen recent reports stating that all dogs need civil liability insurance this month, when the law enters into force, and whereas this is true, insurance is not the only requirement for pet owners to comply with the law.

At the tail end of last week, there was talk that the Government would not implement the requirement for civil liability insurance, but in the absence of an official statement, it must be assumed that this will still take place, as it is enshrined by law. However, a key point is that civil liability insurance is different to what many people believe “pet insurance” is, as pet insurance traditionally has been mostly for covering vet bills. Civil liability insurance is different and covers damage or injury to third parties.

However, some household insurance policies already include this. Others include it, but with restrictions, so the first thing to do is to check your existing policy and talk with your insurance agent.

That said, traditional pet insurance that covers vet bills may also be advisable in some situations in addition to civil liability insurance. The new law also prevents pets from being euthanised, except by the decision of the vet to prevent suffering. That means that there could be situations where your pet is not ill enough to be put to sleep, but is ill enough to require prolonged medical treatment.

“If there is a treatment that allows the animal to continue living in a dignified manner, regardless of the costs, the law will oblige owners to provide their pets with the necessary care to continue with their lives. This is where it is especially important to have health insurance that can cover the high veterinary costs that may arise in these situations,” according to Joaquín de los Reyes, director of business development at MAPFRE Spain.

On account of both thee matters, the internet has seen a 41% increase in searches for civil liability insurance, and an 18% increase in pet healthcare insurance in August compared to July, according to the Rastreator’s pet insurance comparator. Incidentally, there are also combined insurance policies available from some providers.

There are many other elements that pet owners are obliged to satisfy, which we will explain in brief in the runup to the law entering into force, starting with dogs next week, but in the meantime, if you would like to consult the legislation in full, translated into English, you can do so at

This article was published by our friends at The Leader Newspaper in Spain.

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