Article 61. Pets from the European Union or from third countries

1. At the time of entry into the national territory, the person responsible for the importation of pets must have the documentation that proves that the animal meets the legal requirements for keeping it as a pet, including the conditions established in this law, as well as the origin of the animal and the data of the final recipient, whether it is a private owner, an animal sales establishment or a person responsible for the activity of breeding and selling pet animals registered in the corresponding Registry, without prejudice to any other legal requirement. In the case of identifiable animals according to current regulations, they must be registered in the name of the final recipient in the Register of Companion Animals within a maximum period of 72 hours from their arrival. In the case of pets of the non-resident traveller in Spain who transports them, the obligation provided for in this section will be considered fulfilled when the European Union regulations in this regard are complied with. In the case of tickets for pets accompanying their holders, the specific regulations will be followed.

2. If for any reason customs rejection occurs at the entrance of the animal, the company responsible for the transport must take the appropriate measures to guarantee the due care of the animal. In any case, the circumstance of customs rejection will be included in the contingency plan provided for in article 59.2.

3. Pet animals that are introduced into Spanish territory, as well as those that are exported, must meet the identification, age, vaccination and mandatory veterinary treatment requirements, established in the corresponding European Union regulations and, in particular, anti-rabies vaccination.

4. Documentation accrediting the above circumstances must be attached to the application for registration in the Companion Animal Registry.

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