Article 66. Inspection function

1. It corresponds to the competent bodies of the autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla and of the local entities, the inspection and surveillance of the facilities of the animal protection centres and of the animals that are housed in them, both permanently , temporary or transit, as well as veterinary centres, zoological centres, residences, centres for the breeding and sale, training and temporary care of animals or any other type of establishment that houses animals, regardless of the duration of the shelter, purpose and ownership, as well as animal transport companies.

2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in duly justified cases, and following a favourable report from the Scientific and Technical Committee for the Protection and Rights of Animals, the competent ministerial department may exceptionally address the autonomous community or local entity urging them to proceed. to exercise the inspection function of any facility or place where there are animals, when they become aware of situations of animal abuse or lack of protection or when the situation of possible abuse affects more than one autonomous community, and may also notify the Public Prosecutor of irregular situations that be aware that there are indications of crime.

3. In any case, when the competent ministerial department becomes aware, through any channel, of the alleged commission of infractions of the animal protection regulations, it will inform the competent authority immediately, and may request that it be notified. of the reasoned decision adopted in relation to the start or not of proceedings.

4. The opening of any animal protection centre or establishment referred to in the first section of this article, regardless of whether there is an economic consideration in exchange for its services, will be subject to the authorisation and inspection regime established by the autonomous communities and cities. of Ceuta and Melilla and local entities, where appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of Law 17/2009, of November 23, on free access to service activities and their exercise.

5. The inspection work corresponds to the officials who have been assigned such work, without prejudice to the fact that they may request, through the corresponding governmental authority, within the scope of their respective powers, the necessary support from the Nature Protection Service of the Guardia Civil, National Police Corps, Autonomous and Local Police and environmental and forestry agents, as well as any other authority of a similar nature, without prejudice to the complementary actions that may be carried out by the General State Administration in its own sphere of competence.

6. The owners of the centres and facilities indicated in the first section of this article must allow inspections and controls to be carried out as determined by the competent authorities, collaborate with the inspection and provide the required documentation.

7. The Units responsible for the inspection may request the collaboration of the animal protection entities registered as collaborators in the territorial scope of the development of the inspection work.

8. The personnel that must carry out inspection and surveillance functions must have accredited training in animal protection and welfare.

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