Article 68. Provisional measures

1. The person responsible for the inspection, in cases of non-extendable urgency and in a motivated and proportional manner, may adopt as many provisional measures as he deems necessary if he observes signs of animal abuse, disease, risk situation or significant deficiencies in the facilities, incompatible with rational criteria of animal welfare and guarantee of their rights.

2. Said provisional measures must be confirmed, modified or lifted in the agreement to initiate the procedure, which must be carried out within fifteen days of its adoption, which may be the subject of the appropriate appeal.

In any case, said measures will be without effect if the procedure is not initiated within said term or when the initiation agreement does not contain an express pronouncement about them.

These provisional measures may consist, among others, of:

a) The withdrawal, intervention or temporary retention of the animals involved in the events and how many others may be in a situation of risk.

b) Correction, security or control measures that prevent the continuity in the production of damage.

c) The suspension, closure or precautionary closure of the centre of activities, establishment and facilities.

d) The confiscation of the assets, means or instruments with which the offense was prepared or executed and, where appropriate, the effects arising from it.

e) The withdrawal of weapons, if applicable, and of the licences or permits corresponding to them.

3. In the cases provided for in the previous section, the animals will be transferred to an animal protection establishment for their full custody, the offending person being responsible for the expenses that arise.

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