Article 76. Main sanctions

1. The offences provided for in this law will be penalised:

a) Minor offences with a warning or a fine of five hundred to ten thousand euro.

b) Serious offences with a fine of ten thousand one to fifty thousand euro.

c) Very serious offences with a fine of fifty thousand one to two hundred thousand euro.

2. If there is a recurrence in the commission of a minor infraction, or it is continuous, the penalty of warning will not apply.

3. The Government and the autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla, by means of a regulatory provision, may introduce specifications or graduations in the table of infractions and sanctions typified in this law that, without constituting new infractions or sanctions, nor altering their nature and limits, contribute to the most correct identification of the conducts, to the most precise determination of the corresponding sanctions or to the updating of their amounts.

4. In any case, the income from the sanctions will be used for actions whose purpose is the protection of animals.

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