Article 78. Graduation of sanctions

For the graduation of sanctions, the following circumstances will be taken into account:

a) The harm caused to the animal.

b) The degree of guilt or the existence of intentionality, imprudence or negligence.

c) The social or health significance of the offence committed or its impact on the natural environment.

d) The illicit profit motive and the amount of the benefit obtained or foreseen with the commission of the infraction.

e) The continuity or persistence of the infringing conduct.

f) The refusal or obstruction of access to the facilities or the provision of the information required by the Inspection.

g) Cessation of the infringing activity prior to or during the processing of the disciplinary file.

h) Violence against animals in the presence of minors or vulnerable people, as well as people with mental disabilities, or its dissemination through any means of social communication.

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