Article 46. RAS-type animal protection entities

RAS-type entities are those dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals from captivity. These entities must comply with the following obligations:

a) Submit to the competent Administration an annual report that includes a financial summary of its activity and a record of the animals under guardianship.

b) Possess the corresponding authorisation or licence to constitute a legally established zoological nucleus.

c) Be the holder of a valid civil liability insurance that covers their activities.

d) Have included in its statutes the protection of wild animals from captivity or that cannot survive on their own in their habitat, and must remain in captivity indefinitely.

e) In the case of keeping animals of species included in the catalogue of invasive alien species, prevent their reproduction and keep them in captivity until the moment of their death, in facilities that offer guarantees to prevent their escape.

f) Keep the animals in a naturalised and enriched environment respecting the characteristics of their species.

g) Provide the animals with a stable space in which to live with other animals until the moment of their death, unless they are transferred to another RAS-type entity or, exceptionally, to conservation entities with the same guarantees as those stipulated for them.

h) Ensure the well-being and hygienic-sanitary conditions of the animals housed, adequacy of spaces, security measures, staff training, animal registration and veterinary care.

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