Article 64. Fairs, exhibitions and contests

1. Animals that participate in fairs, markets, exhibitions and contests of a similar nature must be well fed and hydrated, offering them fresh water and food when necessary, as well as adequate space to take refuge from inclement weather.

2. In the exhibitions or contests of animals included in the scope of application of this law, the following requirements must be met:

a) Exhibitions and competitions must be attended by at least one person with a degree or degree in veterinary medicine, responsible for monitoring the health and welfare conditions of the animals during the event, as well as providing emergency veterinary assistance in all situations that could arise. It will be mandatory for the veterinary team to have all the means necessary to deal with emergency situations in accordance with the circumstances of the event and the provisions of local or regional regulations on the matter.

b) The animals participating in the exhibitions and competitions will have rooms suitable for their size and the existing temperature conditions, so that they can rest without stressful elements.

c) In the case of companion animals, all participants in exhibitions or contests must be identified and registered in the Companion Animal Registry, as determined by regulation.

3. Birds participating in flight displays must have a separate space that guarantees sound and light isolation, in which they can remain at rest. In no case may they be within the reach of the public nor will it be allowed to be photographed next to them.

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